Well, it seems that October will be a busy month for me. These are my next public appearances: friends and colleagues are welcome!

Sat 15 October, 3.30-4.30 pm, Arana Hills Library, Brisbane
Writing for Kids: why it isn't as easy as you think!
Julie Nickerson, author of the Pippa series (Aussie Nibbles), Lucia Masciullo, award winning illustrator, and Katherine Battersby, author and illustrator of Squish Rabbit, discuss writing and illustrating books for children. Free event.
This is the link of the program: Write Around Moreton Bay: Readers and Writers Festival 2011
Sun 23 October, 10.30 am, Marks and Gardner Gallery, Mt Tambourine
The Queenlander launch of my last illustrated book: Come Down, Cat! By Sonya Hartnett (Penguin). Details will follow, free event.
Thu 27 October, 5.30-8.00 pm, Zart Art, Melbourne
Families differ, so how do illustrators approach the challenge of depicting them?
Do they draw on their own personal experiences, or invent families they wish they had been part of (or are glad they were not)? Hear acclaimed illustrators Stephen Michael King, Lucia Masciullo, Mitch Vane and Anna Walker discuss their different approaches in a session chaired by Pam Horsey. The evening will conclude with book sales and signing.
30$ CBCA Members, 40$ Non Members.
Sat 29 October, 1.00-4.00 pm, Federation Square Book Market, Melbourne
Meet Lucia Masciullo at the Federation Square Book Market and watch Lucia at work in person and on the big screen. Have a book personally signed and chat about her illustrations.
We will be featuring her recently released picture book Come Down, Cat! written by Sonya Hartnett and published by Penguin Books. Free event.